Board and Management Team

Mrs. Patience Melone


Mrs. Patience Melone is firstly and most importantly an ardent Christian who puts GOD First for everything. She is passionate, proficient, organized with an impactful work ethic. Consequently, she has been able to garner multiple invaluable experiences and successes in various works of life. 

Her empathetic personality prompted her to create various nonprofit initiatives to support local communities and foster rural development.

Mrs. Patience Melone’s GOD-given strength can be felt in strategic planning and government relationships. Known for her special and strong skills in stakeholder relationship management, Mrs. Melone's strategy is seen in government and private sector relations. She is the Chairperson of “Experience Cameroon” and “From Cameroon” where she serves as a liaison to bridge the gap between the Public and Private sectors, marketing Cameroon and attracting investments to boost economic growth.

Parallel to this, she has always possessed a strong business acumen, to the point of building and scaling multiple entrepreneurial ventures. Her primary goal is to exploit the natural resources GOD has blessed Cameroon with to create more jobs and improve standards of living, especially in the rural areas.

Her institutions and investments are in the fields of Food and Agriculture, Finance and Investment, Mining and Energy, Property Services, and travel. Mrs. Melone is the founder and Chairperson of Alleluia Food and Agriculture. She is also the Board Chairperson of Genesis Mining and Energy.

Upon incorporation of Access Bank Cameroon plc in 2019, Mrs. Patience Melone was elected at the helm of the Board of Directors.

She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in modern English Letters from the University of Yaoundé I and Ecole Normale Superior. Prior to fully engaging herself in entrepreneurship, she lived out a storied career in the Ministry of Education and the National Electric Utility Company (then AES Sonel), holding various leadership positions and blazing an innovate trail whose effects can still be felt today.


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